An update from your Patient Advisory Group
The Monifieth Medical Practice Patient Advisory Group report the following...
The Balance (seated exercise) Group which was held in the Practice last Autumn had various talks following the classes.
Gary Wood T/Watch Commander Forfar Community Fire Station, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service gave a talk on the new fire alarm legislation due to come into force in February 2022. The members found the talk very interesting and most have subsequently been visited by the Fire Service and had their homes inspected for Fire Safety and various new fire alarms and heat detectors fitted where necessary, free of charge.
This is a great example of partnership working and for some of the Practice most vulnerable patients, and this could be a life saver.
The group were also given a talk on benefits, in particular Attendance Allowance, by Clive Goldstraw the Senior Social Prescriber and several members found this to be also very helpful.
About the PAG
The Monifieth Patient Advisory Group (PAG) provides help and assistance in shaping and advising the practice team on current ways of working and planned innovation. Find out more about the PAG and how you can get involved.